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„The potential on the French market is huge and, given the great interest gathered during the Intermat exhibition days, we are ready to seize it.

We will take up all the requests received at the fair with which we are very satisfied.

The entire range received a lot of interest, especially the ‚core‘ products and new additions to our portfolio: the ‚EVO System‘ quick coupler range and the VRC screening bucket.

Articles of which I am particularly proud as they are the result of a careful engineering and market analysis that leaves nothing to chance and has allowed us to bring reliable equipment to the market that meets the real needs of the Earth moving sector.“

These were positive and encouraging words from Davide Cangini, who responded in this way to the question regarding the results and expectations following the Intermat exhibition held from 24th to 27th April in Paris.

Many visitors from all over the world took part in the event and visited the Cangini Benne booth. Many already established business partners but also new faces and new entrepreneurial realities with which to establish concrete business relationships.


On the stand the complete product range, that reflects our proactivity to express ourselves in multiple fields of application always with an emphasis on innovative technologies.

Top product was the VRC screening bucket, which was widely appreciated by the public in particular for some of its unrivalled features:

  • Its conical profile increases the working surface and the respective performance
  • Its low maintenance thanks to a centralised greasing system and the possible replacement of individual discs
  • Its materials and design designed for durability

Another notable group of products are the Evo system quick couplings, which comply with the stringent safety standards for quick couplers. In fact, they are equipped with the famous triple safety system:

  • Triangular ‚Safe check‘ side indicator allows the coupling status to be checked for increased safety.
  • The double profile creates a greater obstacle to the tool falling.
  • Front visual indicator allows the coupling status to be checked directly from the cab.

Particularly in the foreground was the range of CR couplings made entirely with a cast body, while maintaining the safety features described above.


The road to Bauma Munich, which will be held from 7th to 13th April 2025, is now underway for Cangini.

„The Munich trade fair has always been the kermesse of the earth moving world, and also in view of this event we will do what we do best: aim high.

We will aim high in terms of product to continue to increase its quality and in terms of service to provide our customers with state-of-the-art equipment in multiple fields of application. “ says Davide Cangini.